Personally, I want nothing to do with them and I’m not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I moved to the Fediverse to get away from all these corpos.

  • Jure Repinc
    1 year ago

    Judging from their past and all the bad actions they have done in the past, bad for democracy, privacy, minorities and marginalised people and how openly they have a far/extreme-right bias. Well I feel extremely negative about them joining in. They were also part of destruction of another open/federated protocol in the past: they played big part in destroying XMPP/Jabber messaging. So I am afraid they will do their usual embrace, extend, and extinguish thing and their surveillance capitalist thing and yeah. no good. Best to block their instances outright.

    • Björn Tantau
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I was thinking of Jabber as well, when I heard this. For a brief period everything was perfect. Facebook and Google were both using Jabber. And even WhatsApp was using it, I think. So if you had an account somewhere you could actually chat with all your friends, totally unimpeded.

      EU should hurry up with their federation laws.

    • SmokeInFog
      1 year ago

      I was going to say, while we can’t do much about them adopting an open protocol, please defederate with them

  • Frater Mus
    161 year ago

    They are free to set up an instance. Not sure who would federate with them.

    71 year ago

    They will datamine all federated users They will set up a CDN for uploads on their platform that will track you like or

    They will probably train LLMs off the data. They will sell the data to advertisers or data brokers. They will most likely have ads or pay to boost.

    They will diverge from the standard once they have the majority of users like google does with chrome and the web.

      21 year ago

      They will set up a CDN for uploads on their platform that will track you like or

      This is the only thing they couldn’t already do. They’ve probably already been datamining Fediverse users. No need to set up an instance for that.

      I agree with the and We’ll have to establish some good alternatives by then so people don’t use them just because they work so well.

    • MuchPineapples
      11 year ago

      Everyone is already datamining the fediverse. That’s the whole point of it, all the data is public.

  • @qjkxbmwvz
    1 year ago

    For myself, I’m not a fan either. But I think it could be a very good thing for the fediverse (still not a fan of that word) — which, as I understand it, is all about choice: the ability to easily access content across the fediverse, with the ability to ignore it just as easily.

    If it ends up breeding toxicity, then I’ll block any subs, and possibly the whole instance†. And if it gets really bad, I’ll just find a lemmy/mastodon/whatever instance that has defederated from them.

    † Sounds like this maybe isn’t possible yet, but is being looked at

  • Julian_1_2_3_4_5
    61 year ago

    I have to say, i don’t like it, i mean i got here, because i didn’t want to have anything to do anymore with them, but i guess if we are careful enough, they probably can’t do to much to destroy our current fediverse.

      • levo
        31 year ago

        Sounds like it is going to be more of a Twitter clone unless I read a shit article. It also sounds like they might not federate with mastodon or other instances to keep everyone in their meta ecosystem.

    51 year ago

    Even if they were somehow not evil, the sheer volume would technologically destroy any instance that tried to federate with them.

  • ikiru
    51 year ago

    I guess I’ll just go back to reading books and watching movies full time.

    Fuck all of those tech giants.

    41 year ago

    They see the fediverse trend gain9ng steam with the rise of Mastodon and go “Oh sheit we need to be on that for $$$”. Proceed to embrace, extend, enshittify, and extinguish. Its nothing but Zuckerberg’s gasping breaths to try and stay relevant as his company begins the very slow, but inevitable, backslide into technological irrelevance.

    I will be leaving and/or blocking any instance that chooses to federate with anything related to Meta. They are antithetical to the entire foundation of the metaverse and they ruin everything they touch.

  • Zuberi
    31 year ago

    I say we just don’t allow them on most kbin/lemmy instances. Let the people decide what info is bullshit or not.

  • Margot Robbie
    1 year ago

    If Facebook behave and their instances have good moderation, they’ll be successful. If they don’t, they’ll get defederated and turn into some niche twitter clone echo chamber like Truth Social.

    Facebook is a company with great open-source tech contributions (React, GraphQL) but absolutely awful products (Literally every social media thing they’ve got their hands on), which is why they are desperately trying to turn their side project Oculus into their main product. And I think they, as the original “The Social Network” company, see the writing on the wall: that they either embrace federation and decentralization, or get swept away by it into the footnote of social media history.

    Now, I don’t think Facebook wants to JUST run an instance where they get to control everything. I think the most likely scenario is that Facebook will offer easy managed federated instance setup hosted on their own cloud servers for less tech inclined individuals and companies in the future, and they’ll rebrand it as “the actual metaverse”, which will finally end their tenure as an advertising company.

    21 year ago

    They’re trojan horse. We can’t stop them from creating their own servers, but we can choose to defederate them. Up with the Anti-Meta Defederation Pact

  • Th4tGuyII
    21 year ago

    It’s the old Microsoft strategy again - Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

    They deserve a good boot up the arse before they put one up our’s.