I’m learning new software that can do a lot so these take more often which means I’ll be posting irregularly. I hope you enjoy this, though!

    • @jawa21OP
      3 months ago

      There is no sound.

      ETA for this: If this was a gif it’d be ~500mb. So I upload to PeerTube (best solution I’ve found)

      • Was there meant to be no sound? Because there’s still none in the PeerTube upload. Are you planning to update it?

        PeerTube is a perfectly fine location for things like this, BTW.

        • @jawa21OP
          13 months ago

          Yeah, there is no intention for sound. Sound editing in such a way that the subtitles would make sense is beyond me. I uploaded it there for minimal quality loss, among other things.

          It is basically meant to be viewed as a gif would be.

  • Admiral Patrick
    33 months ago

    This post did two awesome things for me:

    1. I just found out you can subscribe to PeerTube channels through Lemmy
    2. I added PeerTube embed support to my Lemmy UI, followed your channel, and now have this:

    • @jawa21OP
      23 months ago

      That is awesome. I wish PeerTube embeds were a thing by default.

      • Admiral Patrick
        23 months ago

        I wish more UI’s had media in general. lol That’s the whole reason I built this one, and I’d rather just mindlessly scroll and let someone else do the work 😆

        Also, when I upvote the video through Lemmy it turns into a Peertube like. Nice.