Is he considered A or B list ? What do you think of him in general ?

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    4 months ago

    I read an article once that described him perfectly

    Watching a Steven Seagull movie is much like watching a very fat rat angrily defending its hoard of garbage

    He was pretty cool in the 80’s & early 90’s, but even then it was mostly just macho pseudo eastern philosophy junk food for young guys.

    94 months ago

    I think everyone should listen to the Behind the Bastards podcast that they did on him.

    Basically… not a very nice person in general.

    To me, he’s a guy who basically lucked into a few OK acting gigs when he was still in decent shape. But he never really grew his acting skills and basically just drifted towards bottom of the barrel projects. Add in the fact that he’s generally difficult to work with according to people who have.

    He’s not A or B list. He’s not on a list period. He’s someone you call if you want to make a shitty straight to the bargain bin or streaming filler ‘movie’ that stars a name someone remembers. Basically, cynical projects with no real artistic merit to them.

    If the guy had been more likeable, maybe he could’ve powered through and still gotten some actual movie roles. After all, even old action stars can find nice gigs with movies like Expendables. But Seagal? Nobody’s itching to bring him back.

  • @seathru
    4 months ago

    Fun Fact: Gene LeBell put Segall in a choke hold and made him shit his pants. R.I.P. legend!

    54 months ago

    He is just another washed-up piece of shit from hollywood. Even when he was in the peak of his career he was a big piece of shit. Not just a joke of bullshido, but a genuinely bad person. From rapes, forcing interns to be personal slaves, to running over the wrong house, with a tank, in a raid by America’s worst sheriff, he is an awful person. Not to get into all the racism, xenophobia, authoritarian right wing nuttery.

    44 months ago

    I guess he could have been considered B list back in the 90’s. Even then his movies were low budget action. Now he just kinda exists, he shows up as a side character in moves sometimes or does a made for TV thing and he says crazy things every now and then that gets him mentioned in celebrity gossip type news. I don’t think he’s relevant enough to have much of an opinion on him.

    • AliceOP
      24 months ago

      Eh fair I suppose. I cloned his voice lol I write things for a picture of him to say with an app it’s funny lol I loved will sassos impression of him from mad TV lol

        13 months ago

        Rapist, shit actor, shit musician, sex trafficker, lied about his entire resume, abused his deputization to run down a tank through someones house in an attempt at seeming tough.