In protest against reddits API changes the “interestingasfuck” subreddit plans to reopen after a week long blackout with just one rule: posters have to consider their content “interesting as fuck” for it to be allowed in the sub. That’s it.
In addition, reddits site-wide rules are still in place, and any content breaking those rules will be handed over to Reddits “Anti-Evil Operations”, their site-wide moderation team. They’re also much better equipped to figure out which users are bots, so when in doubt bots are to be reported to them, they’ll surely do a good job enforcing reddits Rules. (Google them, they have a stellar track record!)
Reporting rulebreaks to AEO is encouraged, and the subreddits been marked as NSFW as a precaution. Gone are the days where you’d need to have a minimum amount of karma, or mods would check if they deemed your post actually interesting.
I’m personally hoping for lots of pictures of interesting sticks, John Oliver and a hint of frogs! 🐸
Really hoping that there is zero porn posted and that every single post is pictures of a stick
I can’t imagine no one’s gonna be like “interesting ass fuck” though
I might post something about farts then or dustbunnies. JK… too lazy but ha… the malicious complicance reopenings are fun. It gives them a chance to scrape any of the good stuff and put it elsewhere. ;)
Realistically speaking there’s gonna be porn tho.
So much “interesting as fuck” porn.
What’s not interesting about this world? every corner of it is interesting to me.
Some users brought up posting interesting pics of sticks, and I’m all for it
If I have time tomorrow, I’ll probably post how it’s interesting as fuck that modmail isn’t released for the official mobile client until September.
deleted by creator
Every once in a while I still remember a gif of a dragon fucking a car I saw years ago. I’d be amazed if this is what the subreddit turns into
I’m looking forward to the anarchy of the internet
I’m liking these “malicious compliance” reopenings lol