Gov. Gavin Newsom and Mayor Sheng Thao announced today an operation to target vehicle theft, retail theft, and violent crime.

Some activists claim that Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price’s policies of not always seeking the harshest punishment for people charged with committing crimes have led to an increase in offenses. Others blame city leaders for Oakland’s higher crime rates and both DA Price and Mayor Thao are facing potential recalls over crime.

Yeah, I’m sure the type of person who robs and steals is paying close attention to the DA’s policies. That seems obvious.

    294 months ago

    Yes, cracking more skulls will solve the widening inequality and ever-worsening lack of economic opportunity we face.

      34 months ago

      Solving problems like this involve at least two different approaches which must be undertaken in order to achieve actual positive change – acute remediation and structural change. Newsome et. al are ignoring the latter while you choose to eschew the need for the former; you’re both wrong.

        104 months ago

        Fair. It’s really easy to armchair governor/mayor in these situations. Managing public, civic, humane, and political responses to increasing crime is something I cannot do.

          34 months ago

          That’s fair. It’s really unfortunate that political incentives are misaligned in situations like this. Arresting a lot of people now doesn’t solve anything long term, but it looks good and is good for reelection; meanwhile, actual permanent change will take programs and policies that take a decade or longer to go into effect – so all the public sees is the current guy spending money and then the results get to be claimed by the next governor or the one after that.

      -44 months ago

      Well it’s that or financial aid that’s so means tested and by application only that it will end up only helping those that don’t need it like the covid relief funds…

      That’s what Democrats do. They never actually solve problems. They just try to cover them up or outright ignore them.