• Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene defended the idea of Tucker Carlson interviewing Vladimir Putin.
  • The former Fox News presenter arrived in Moscow in recent days, claimed a Russian Telegram channel.
  • Carlson has been a defender of Putin and has echoed Kremlin talking points.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene defended the prospect of Tucker Carlson interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin amid rumors that the former Fox News host is in Moscow.

Carlson was spotted in Moscow in the audience at the world-famous Bolshoi Theater, according to Russian Telegram channel Mash.

The report that Carlson is in Russia sparked speculation that he might interview Putin while there, who has been largely isolated from the world stage following his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

“Democrats and their propagandists in the media are spasming at the prospect of Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin,” Greene wrote on X.

The Georgia Rep. added: “They HATE when someone like Tucker goes ‘off script.’ We have a free press in this country and its people like Tucker Carlson who we depend on to speak the truth!”

  • @Tristaniopsis@aussie.zone
    5 months ago

    Far OUT!

    I know the McCarthy witch hunts were fucking outrageous, but this guy’s alleged political lineage basically descends from those guys. They’ll be rotating in their grave so fast I’ll bet the soil is becoming glass as we speak.

    Mind you, Putin isn’t a communist. He’s just a shitcunt autocratic stain on humanity.

    But still…

    Welp, I guess it shows pretty clearly that Carlson etc are really not actually interested in anything other than getting paid. Democracy etc is for the rubes and poor people apparently.

    Always has been I guess.

    Long live democracy.

    • Deceptichum
      155 months ago

      Republicans had no problem putting right wing totalitarian governments into power back in the day, so they’d gladly support modern Russia as well.

    • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
      55 months ago

      Russia was never communist. China isn’t either. McCarthyism was never about facts. Mostly feelings. Almost completely irrational fear.

      • @Tristaniopsis@aussie.zone
        5 months ago

        Yes, of course. I understand that. But many don’t and never will even if you give them a 45 minute lecture on it.

        Edit: you know I just had an idea. What if people started making truthful videos in the style of conspiracy videos. The whackos might start soaking up facts instead.

        • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
          85 months ago

          They don’t believe things because they are conspiracy. They aren’t seeking any sort of truth. They want to believe what they want to believe. And since they can’t support their beliefs factually. They rely on conspiracy theories.

          Case in point my previous 100% factual and uncontroversial statement is already -2 or -3. That all these Communist parties were never communist. Or consider that Republicans in the 1930s plotted a fascist overthrow of FDR. It would be the sort of true conspiracies you’re talking about. But they reject them because it goes against the narrative they’ve been indoctrinated with.

          In their world Republicans are the good guys, and commies are commies. And anything you present that deviates from that will be rejected no matter how you frame it. Or how factual it is.

          I wish it worked like you speculated though. Because it would be a way to reach them. But Like I said before. They aren’t in search of a conclusion. They’re starting with a conclusion in searching for anything that could lead them to their desired conclusion.

          • @Asafum@feddit.nl
            25 months ago

            That’s not entirely true, I fell down the rabbit hole in my early 20s just trying to make sense of the world. Things are incredibly complex, but when you see a video about “the money masters” and how a line can be drawn from one event to another (whether true or not) it leave you questioning what you’ve been taught especially if you already understand that we’re all being propagandized constantly. The mainstream becomes the propaganda and the randos on the Internet become more trustworthy by default.

            It took time and observation of how reality played out for me to get with the plot again, just wanted to say it’s not always someone seeking confirmation of what they already want to believe. I want to believe America was always the “good” nation we’re brainwashed to believe in school lol

          • @Tristaniopsis@aussie.zone
            05 months ago

            People who are poorly educated (or just plain dumb) love magical thinking.

            Hence the destruction of the education system.

            Critical thinking is essential for a modern society. Plus wiping out the shits who are profiting from the lying rightwing media ecosystem.

  • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    295 months ago

    its people like Tucker Carlson who we depend on to speak the truth!

    If ever you needed proof that she lives in a completely different world where objective reality doesn’t matter, that’s it.

  • Optional
    235 months ago

    Perjury Traitor Greene: says batshit thing, gets in the press again

    Perjury Traitor Greene: Yessssssss!

  • @GilgameshCatBeard@lemmy.ca
    165 months ago

    Why is this news? I mean, “Russian asset defends Russian asset” is pretty much expected. It’s the equivalent of a news article saying that a rock in the middle of a field absorbed heat from the sun.

    Not only is it not news, it’s so commonplace that it defies any reason to print.

  • @rayyy@lemmy.world
    125 months ago

    Tucker is interviewing Putin to get more and improved pointers for Republican’s second upcoming coup attempt. Voter suppression was not enough. Now the GOP wants to have the state decide elections.

    • Billiam
      125 months ago

      Why would he? He still regurgitates Kremlin propaganda at every turn, and people still listen to him. He’s still useful; what reason would a totally accidental trip to Russia be?

  • @Geobloke@lemmy.world
    115 months ago

    How I imagine the interview to sound

    Tucker: my research suggests that you have a 12" cocktail

    Putin: is actually 14


    Putin: I take no further questions (takes off mike, exits stage left)

    • @Cort@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I’d prefer he exit via a swan drive into the orchestra pit rather than stage left

      • @martinb
        -15 months ago

        I’d prefer he exit via ~a swan drive~ being thrown into ~the orchestra~ an alligator pit rather than stage left.


  • @lennybird@lemmy.world
    85 months ago

    Leaked Kremlin memos from years ago instructed RT to air “as many Carlson clips as possible.” So yeah, wouldn’t be surprised.

  • Th4tGuyII
    75 months ago

    Freedom of the press for the guy who has opponents and critics literally thrown out of buildings… Sounds great Greene

  • @LocoOhNo@lemmus.org
    75 months ago

    Why in the actual fuck has she not been even interviewed by the feds about her placing “devices” on the night before January 6th?

    The walk, the mannerisms… I’d put money down that it was her. Yet she is still walking free and talking shit about the people who should be taking her in for questioning about it, at very least.

  • Андрей Быдло
    5 months ago

    Would it be in russian, Tucker Carlsonovich? Would he end up in some cozy ministry position, Gazprom’s board or as a regular guest speaker on the shows? Would Elon host the stream on Twitter?

    Putin wants to show that he’s still out there, to show his middle finger, to fuel conspiracies and scare off aid. Tucker can do interviews all he wants. But it should make him so toxic even right media wouldn’t employ him anymore.

    The fact he got contacted about that idea and it was greenlit means there’s some channels of communications between Russia and republican circles. Maybe there’s something more to know?

    • @hydrospanner@lemmy.world
      15 months ago

      But it should make him so toxic even right media wouldn’t employ him anymore.

      With the way the Trump-led GOP has about faced and now fetishizes Russia in general and Putin specifically? Please.

      The fact he got contacted about that idea and it was greenlit


      there’s some channels of communications between Russia and republican circles.

      Front channels too. I don’t think it’s some big bombshell that the GOP has ties to Putin and Russia in general.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    35 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene defended the prospect of Tucker Carlson interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin amid rumors that the former Fox News host is in Moscow.

    The report that Carlson is in Russia sparked speculation that he might interview Putin while there, who has been largely isolated from the world stage following his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

    “Democrats and their propagandists in the media are spasming at the prospect of Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin,” Greene wrote on X.

    Carlson, who has defended Putin and echoed Kremlin talking points, said last year that he had previously tried to interview the Russian leader but that the US government had stopped him.

    Leaked memos from the Kremlin to Russian state media in the week after the invasion instructed them to use “as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson.”

    Representatives for Carlson did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider, made outside normal working hours.

    The original article contains 318 words, the summary contains 163 words. Saved 49%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!