I still have a FB account since it’s the only contact I have these days with a lot of my highschool friends. I logged in earlier today and saw this “NASA is a hoax” garbage in my “suggested” feed.

There’s nothing in my history to suggest I have any interest in conspiracy theories. My friends are probably right-leaning on average (I’m from a small town in the south - so it goes), but I clicked and none of them are in that group. So I’m sort of assuming this is promoted. Joy.

  • @WarmSoda@lemm.ee
    284 months ago

    What is the square supposed to be proving? That astronauts can put objects somewhere and they’ll stay there in zero g? That’s pretty much how zero g works.

    • @EvilLootbox@lemmy.world
      104 months ago

      Questioning how they have fresh fruit in space maybe? Without knowing anything about the logistics I don’t think it’s improbable, I’m sure lots of what’s at my local grocery had been sitting in boats and trucks and warehouses for a good month before I see it.

    • @Thann@lemmy.ml
      54 months ago

      The orange slice appears to be balanced on its peel the way it would in gravity. But the ppl probably just placed it that way because that’s what they’re used to

      • Bizzle
        134 months ago

        Why would you put the part you’re going to eat on your yucky ol’ space table? They put the peel side down because they’re not maniacs.

          • @Clusterfck
            34 months ago

            There’s a clip that regularly goes around the internet of an astronaut doing something like drinking a glass of water and they just let it go and are shocked when it drops. I’m sure the same thing happens in space when they set something down and not perfectly still and it kind of floats away.

    • Ephera
      -74 months ago

      I imagine, they wouldn’t eat oranges in Zero-G, because the droplets would float around forever.

      But of course, the least realistic part of this picture is that someone would cut open an orange and just leave it on a table like that.

      • @dubyakay@lemmy.ca
        124 months ago

        They can eat whatever. Even spill drinks. Everything constantly moves towards the air ducts where liquids get filtered and solids get scraped. And sometimes you can find your lost pencil or flashlight there.

  • Spot
    164 months ago

    I should be sleeping, instead I’m reverse image searching and found this on a related pic

    The six-member Expedition 61 crew is gathered for a meal iss061e112462 (Dec. 31, 2019) — The six-member Expedition 61 crew is gathered together inside the Zvezda service module for a New Year’s Eve meal

    Think if it was a hoax, you’d spend a lil more on your PR team to spread it around with a catchier story.

  • @ItsAFake@lemmus.org
    94 months ago

    flatearth friendly

    I like that they have to add that.

    I hope it’s because of some weird Facebook war no one in the real world knew about.

  • @AstridWipenaugh@lemmy.world
    84 months ago

    I traveled to North Carolina for work recently. The ads I got on my phone were off the deep end. Gun stores, FJB apparel, and all manner of right wing nonsense. I don’t get any of that stuff when I’m using cell data in my town.

    • @MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
      23 months ago

      I logged into FB via TOR and every other post was pushing thot-fans pages at me. Crazy absurd they’ll allow pushing anything. Such a dumpster fire website.

  • @jonne@infosec.pub
    44 months ago

    Facebook suggestions are based on nothing in my experience. It’s all clickbait and bullshit. The worst part is that there’s no way to turn this crap off.

    • @MeatsOfRage@lemmy.world
      14 months ago

      Easiest way to get rid of this spam when you’re on Facebook mobile is go down to the bottom of the screen and flick up with your thumb. You should see your app launcher. Then flick up with your thumb on the window.