Hello everyone! First of all, I’d like to say thank you to every one of you for your support! Our community is about to be the first user-made one to reach 1K users/week on this instance. And our friends over at Ask Lemmy and Mildly Infuriating are following very closely, which is just as amazing!

We’re all working together to establish healthy communities and a friendly atmosphere here. And over at !NoStupidQuestions, we believe that all our members should have a say in what we do & how we do it.

Do you see anything wrong with our rules? Would you like anything removed and/or added? Do you think Rule 6 is useful and good for the community? Do you want a discord server or a matrix chat room?

Please feel free to ask any questions you might have & share your suggestions and ideas!

With Love,

!NoStupidQuestions Mod Team

  • @Rakn@discuss.tchncs.de
    331 year ago

    I’m not on lemmy.world, but I’d just like to say that im always sad when I see communities using Discord for communication. It’s the exact opposite of lemmy. And if one considers the current Reddit measures as harsh, they are pretty soft compared to Discords stance on such matters. Information that goes in there is basically lost. So go the entire way with Matrix.

  • BrikoX
    181 year ago

    Do you want a discord server or a matrix chat room?


    • @clueless_stoner@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      We actually do have an experimental one on matrix! On fluffychat to be more specific. Would you like to join before it’s established fully? Still trying to work things out

      • BrikoX
        61 year ago

        Sure. I added my Matrix handle to the profile which you can see by clicking Send secure message.

  • Dick Justice
    71 year ago

    Rule 6 seems useful and almost needed for any community, barring any abuse of the tag obviously.

  • davidv7
    1 year ago

    Yes, give me buttons for /subscribed and whatever the other one is. Also, I miss the dopamine rush of that notification counter going up.

  • @JunkMuffler@lemmy.one
    71 year ago

    Excited to be here! The rules look good. I suspect rule 5 is the most important and also the one that will get tested the most.

    Don’t try to negotiate with bad actors. Just fucking kick them.

  • The rules seem good to me, including Nr 6. I also like it that you are looking out for your community and want to provide a great atmosphere here.

  • Ryan
    61 year ago

    All the rules seem reasonable to me, I think #6 is good to have & fine the way it’s written. Just joined Lemmy a few days ago, so still acclimatizing.

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    41 year ago

    Congratz!! Amazing to see this growth.

    Rules look fine to me, I also appreciate a lot that you’re asking the community <3

    • @clueless_stoner@lemmy.worldOP
      31 year ago

      Thank you! We’ve all seen what toxic moderators meant back in Reddit. Whatever they did to put themselves first and hurt their users, we should be doing the exact opposite here. :)

  • Margot Robbie
    41 year ago

    I don’t think removing hateful people will be as big of an issue as it was on reddit though, since the mod log is public by default, and it’s more likely they’ll just be all driven back into a defederated hiding place somewhere.

      • Margot Robbie
        41 year ago

        It’s a very delicate balance to mod, you want people to feel free to express their different opinions without getting their comments instantly removed, but you also want to keep the assholes who only comes to upset people out (a small minority, for sure, but they should not feel welcome to spew their venom everywhere).

        I’d say rules are ultimately just guidelines, but you should always be flexible, but fair with the rules, and then people will stay here.

        • @clueless_stoner@lemmy.worldOP
          11 year ago

          They are absolutely meant to be guidelines. Some of our rules exist only to warn people of danger and have no causation, some there to provide extra freedom posting, and some are there to strictly restrict the certain types of behavior you described. We should indeed always stay friendly and reasonable before all.

        • @guyman@lemmy.world
          11 year ago

          I think it’s important to acknowledge that users also have the ability to block those they deem unsavory. Usually when it doubt, I’d err on the side of letting users make decisions for themselves. Who gets to say what other people should see? Blocking people also prevents them from making new accounts because they’re unlikely to realize they’re blocked.

    • @clueless_stoner@lemmy.worldOP
      21 year ago

      The wording can be modified a bit. Saying “any group or any of our members in ANY way” gives it a rather broad meaning, which I can see could be maliciously interpreted if somebody wanted to. We could just define the banned behavior in clearer words instead. Thanks for the suggestion.

        • The Menemen!
          11 year ago

          No, I mean it will be hard to clearly define what is allowed and what not. Yes, we don’t want Nazis. But the defintion of what a Nazi is, is not a precise thing.

          • @bl4ckblooc@lemmy.world
            11 year ago

            It will take some workshopping, but I think even putting in a “except hate groups” or something like that would work. It would have to be worded better than just that, but it would also stop undesirable subreddits from moving here which I think most people can agree is a good thing. And by undesirable I mean places like redpill, Chodi, or NoNewNormal(even thought they are all banned theses are good examples of the type of behaviour that should not be protected.)

          • @clueless_stoner@lemmy.worldOP
            11 year ago

            I don’t think the definition has to be limited to one thing. We just went with a broader definition that restrict certain type of behavior mainly seen in those kind of people, and made it known that they are exempt from all rights(=will be banned) in this community.

  • @Candelestine@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Personally I would address the wording around rule 5. As it stands, it basically just sounds like the lead mod is going “I reserve the right to control the political climate of this community.”

    I think if you simply elaborated a little more in the description of the rule, and possibly provided examples, it would help allay these fears.

    Let’s get off on a good, professional footing that inspires seriousness and trust in our userbase, though, instead of a funnier one that encourages goofing off and trolling.

    edit: added a couple words

  • @Boiglenoight@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    Improve the default themes. The dark theme is so hard on the eyes, it’s likely to turn away people whose first impression is that. It needs to have a more legible font choice against that background, as is it’s a strain on the eyes. The white theme is pretty good.

    • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
      11 year ago

      That’s on developers, I don’t think there are features that allow mods to have custom CSS for their subs like reddit does.

      I agree the dark theme is not very pretty on the eyes, mods can’t change it but users can, I’ve seen some people saying they’re working on custom themes users can use, I’m sure we’ll have lots of options soon.