Finally started watching my first Gundam series yesterday! Can I start building Gunpla now??

How much do I need to watch before I can start draining my wallet on fun plastic? 💸💸💸

  • @entropicdrift
    21 year ago

    You don’t need to have seen any of it to get into gunpla.

    That said, you should watch the 3 movies that summarize the OG Mobile Suit Gundam, then Zeta Gundam, then Char’s Counter Attack, just because they’re all bangers.

  • albertsy2
    21 year ago

    I built Gunpla before I watched any of the anime. Mixed and matched mecha with other leftover weaponry. I just liked how the mecha look. People tell me things like, oh, they don’t have beam weapons in IBO, etc, but I don’t care. It’s my build.

  • @Fylkir
    11 year ago

    If you think the Origin is good, the later stuff is really gonna impress you.

    My personal feelings on The Origin are a bit mixed. Char feels somewhat out of character, almost like LeLouch from Code Geass.

  • @preston@possumpat.ioM
    1 year ago

    Bryce, baby girl, my sweet child, I want to give you so much flak for starting with The Origin.

    jk it works just fine as a first series - Hope you enjoy!


    I’ve been telling you Gundam was fantastic for a while you nerd.