I’ve set some path variables on my Raspberry Pi, but since I upgraded the D compiler version, I need to change it, by removing the reference to the old version, as the two would collide with each other. The issue is, I used some now obscure tutorial, which I no longer can find, and it’s not found in the usual culprit /etc/profile, yet the path is still listed with an echo $PATH.

I need to get the list of bootup scripts where it was added (it was added with something like that if I remember correctly), or somehow reset it without reinstalling the Linux to my Pi. I’ll give my paths a more generic names in the future, so I can just rename a folder, then use the compiler right out of the box without having to mess around with the path yet again.

  • Consti
    7 months ago

    You can set the initial value directly in /etc/environment, did you check that? It could also be set only for your user, so it might be in ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile` (or the rc file for your shell if you’re not using the default bash).

    Edit: I suppose you could also have added a startup script in /etc/init/ or /etc/init.d/, or in /etc/rc.local