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Palestinian Territory – Israel’s army has again massacred Palestinian civilians who had gathered in Gaza to obtain humanitarian aid, targeting them with gunfire from helicopters, tanks, and drones near the Kuwait roundabout on the outskirts of Gaza City. This incident has resulted in over 60 deaths and 160 injuries, some of which are critical.

    47 months ago

    No one wants to hear it discussed because it’s a fucking dumb strategy, like, what effect do you think it’ll actually have? You vote for the guy that’s most likely to actually do something about it rather than vote to sink the entire fucking ship because your having a temper tantrum. You’re insane if you think that’s even a remotely viable strategy. I can’t believe you’re even bringing it up like it’s a “good” idea…like wtf.

    You can check my post history. I’m rabidly against this genocide. The IDF has gone unchecked and their treatment of an “enemy populace” is a fucking warcrime. Something needs to be done. But if you think for a second that I or any other rational adult here is going to even remotely humor the idea of doing something that could get Trump elected, you are out of your damned mind.

        7 months ago

        No, we’re not commiting a genocide. There’s just not enough pressure to stop a strategic ally (that’s armed with nukes, mind you) from doing horrific actions. There’s been a shit ton of verbal posturing from all of our allies over this, but no one else has done a damned thing either. I’m not going to tank my country because of it either. What does that accomplish? Congratulations bro, your morally superior. Hope that’ll keep you chipper in the American gulag if Trumpelstiltskin gets elected.

          27 months ago

          You’re arguing with a Kremlin shill, better to just tag them and move on… they want to frustrate you and waste your time.

          -17 months ago

          It is literally our shells and bombs which our client state is using to kill children while we are the lone veto in the UN Security Council vote for a ceasefire. Obama and Reagan–yes, Ronald Reagan–withheld weapon shipments to Israel over far less. All Biden has to do is follow his own policy which prohibits providing arms that will likely be used to violate human rights. Instead, he has refused to even place conditions on the weapons he gives to Israel, conditions he has been happy to place on arms transfers to Ukraine.

          Biden is not merely complicit. He’s a willful participant. He’s a war criminal.

      -57 months ago

      How many genocidal deaths per month (under a dem administration) would it take for you to withhold your vote for a dem? 1 thousand, 1 million, 10 million? I suspect there is no amount.

        47 months ago

        Let me rephrase this better:

        How many genocidal deaths (in a totally different country than your own) per month would it take for you to destroy your government and see it overtaken by an Alt-Right Dictatorship? 1 thousand, 1 million, 10 million? I suspect there is no amount.

        It’d be on thing if “a dem administration” was the one causing the genocide. They aren’t. But I agree that they could be doing more to stop it. It won’t get better under Trump, so this game of “Morality chicken” your playing with our entire future here is fucking dumb.

        -67 months ago

        Nope. Not as long as we can continue our comfortable lives over here. Not as long as it’s people who don’t look like us–who don’t speak our language–doing the dying. Not as long as we can block “Gaza” from our feed when it starts to become a real downer.

          7 months ago

          When one of the most powerful nations in the world becomes a dictatorship, how do you think that’ll affect the world? What do you think happens to the last 200 years of progress? What do you think will continue to happen in Gaza?

          It isn’t like this is an isolated decision. Not voting has a very real and fucking dangerous consequence, and you need to realize that sometimes there aren’t good decisions and you have to make the best of it. Sitting out and pouting doesn’t do shit but make things worse for everyone else. So stop acting like a petulant child. No one in this entire fucking thread is even remotely supportive of genocide, but you’ll be damned if I’m going to see my country become a dictatorship because of events in other countries because one side “isn’t doing enough”.

            07 months ago

            What do you think happens when the people of the most powerful democracy in the world look the other way when their elected officials commit genocide?