If your blood isn’t boiling yet from what the west is sponsoring in Gaza, you can have some fun learning of what Belgium (and the US) did in the Congo after they “left”.
One can be anti terrorism without being Zionist. They’re 2 completely exclusive concepts. You seem to forget that more than 600 teenagers from around the globe and many of no Jewish descent were killed, raped, paraded naked through Gaza streets and taken as hostages or sex slaves from that rave party near the border. Some were friends of my friends. But I am chain reported for being anti-palestine by likes of you. The world we live in…
If your blood isn’t boiling yet from what the west is sponsoring in Gaza, you can have some fun learning of what Belgium (and the US) did in the Congo after they “left”.
removed by mod
Anyone who wants a good laugh check out how many comments have been removed on this 21 day old account.
talk about “le epic zionist troll” fail.
One can be anti terrorism without being Zionist. They’re 2 completely exclusive concepts. You seem to forget that more than 600 teenagers from around the globe and many of no Jewish descent were killed, raped, paraded naked through Gaza streets and taken as hostages or sex slaves from that rave party near the border. Some were friends of my friends. But I am chain reported for being anti-palestine by likes of you. The world we live in…
The world we live in… where you can’t spread misinformation in support of a possible genocide without being called out.
The UNWRA allegations were extracted using torture. Israel tortured UN workers.
🤡 getting its news from alJazeera Arabyia…
Here’s UN Watch warning about UN funding UNRWA’s terrorism SINCE 2017. SINCE 2017!!! 2017!!!:
Now let the downvotes from these internet white knights of the Gazan terrorists begin!
The hasbara is getting a bit desperate these days…
Snort some more cope, white supremacist.