The changes made to community are withdrawn because users opinions . But from now on when making a post your first word on tge title should be [NOT FOSS] or [FOSS] respectively. Also i have no intention in anything expect help new users find foss apps i hope you all understand that.

    7 months ago

    I “meant” what i said and what i said is :

    Also i have no intention in anything expect help new users find foss apps i hope you all understand that.

    If you pull things out of context it becomes weird . Until now i have respectfully debated with you please don’t pull cheap tricks in the last minute and lose my respect.

      27 months ago

      “My goal is to help lemmy newbie’s to foss apps and nothing else.”

      Your sentence could be interpreted in two ways, depending on what the “nothing else” refers to, as I stated above.

      I’m not pulling any cheap trick, I’m just explaining to you how your sentence could be understood in two different ways

        7 months ago

        Before that i said “i have no intention and is doing this to help newbie’s to find foss apps and nothing else” so in context everyone can understand what i meant ( expect maybe you ) so you are pulling things out of context and quoting me to make me look like an asshole and that is not nice.

          67 months ago

          i have no intention

          You were literally going to change this community rules against the will of at least half of the members if we didn’t call you out about this, so sorry but it seems that you indeed have intentions

          so in context everyone can understand what i meant ( expect maybe you )

          Well, you edit and remove everything all the time so it’s hard to follow.

          quoting me to make me look like an asshole and that is not nice.

          Could you please restore the poll thread? That would be nice too, a lot of people brought valuable comments in there, and now it can’t be accessed anymore, which isn’t nice either.

            7 months ago

            have no intention

            See you are doing it again i said i have no other intention. I am done talking to you good day/night.

              47 months ago

              Could you please restore the poll thread? A lot of people brought valuable comments in there, and now it can’t be accessed.

              I guess I might have to raise it to the LW admins as a side note to my previous claim.

              • @THE_MASTERMINDOP
                -17 months ago

                I was going to do it as some of us have life’s and might take a minute to track it . Also are you thinking you are scaring me or something by saying i’ll cry to admins ?

                  47 months ago

                  Then please do it, restore the other thread when people brought the other arguments against the changes, and call it a day.

                  There’s no crying, just reporting non standard moderation behaviours.

                  • @THE_MASTERMINDOP
                    7 months ago

                    As you are not stopping and still spamming after i restored the post and told you about it and asked you to stop spamming i am going to have to ban you as it is in the rules . Please don’t use your alts to spam again. Also if you stop now i’ll not do anything buy this is the last warning.

          47 months ago

          You also just edited this comment and the one above. But I am the one misunderstanding your constantly changing comments, really?