
As stated in the title I’m moving to a new house soon™ that will change my home assistant instance a lot.

I was wondering what would be better… Start from scratch or adapt what I have? I have some information in HA that I want to preserve but most of it could go away.

Have you any experiences in this situation? Any insights?

Thank for reading!

  • @CmdrShepard@lemmy.one
    41 year ago

    I think it depends on how happy you are with the current setup. I have a bunch of old half finished junk for testing and no longer used entities so I would definitely start from scratch, but your situation may differ. At the very least I’d back up everything and export (including copying the Lovelace/dashboard yaml to a text file) it before starting over.

    • FenixinOP
      11 year ago

      Same thing is happening to me. I even have some old stuff from Android devices that no longer exist and your comment just reminded me about it. I think I might start from scratch saving what I think is worth.
