In about 30 minutes the yearly old computer challenge will be starting for me ( I’ll be spending the next 7 days exclusively in 9front with tools it offers, equipped with a single stick of 512M RAM and 600MHz of processing speed.

I can’t promise you a whole lot of quality posts during this week, but the good news is: quality never was something unix_surrealism went for. We’ll just do a different kind of low_res. The 9front way.

I’m glad this community found its fans. Thank you for sticking around. Bear with me. And in the meantime:

Keep on computing.

    • @pmjvOPM
      111 months ago

      not since 2006

      • southsamurai
        211 months ago

        Dang! I thought mine was aging, but I got it in 2012.

        Are you running a Linux os?

        • @pmjvOPM
          111 months ago

          Right now I’m running 9front and OpenBSD