This post is not only to try finding the best Mastodon instance/server but I also wanted to express about the Mastodon instances. Most of Mastodon servers are apparently harsh about other instances that include things they don’t like and are quite serious about getting those Internet points putting how the place isn’t welcome for “bigotry” and is for everyone and so diverse, and I wouldn’t have any problems with this if this wasn’t frequently used by people who will try to shut you if they disagree enough with you and will try to present themselves as so virtuous. You’d expect that the free side of the Internet would have people that value freedom and should let anything that isn’t a crime or something that prejudice the instance itself or whatever space they’re in but it seems this vision is getting far from the reality with time.

  • BrooklynMan
    1 year ago

    counterpoint: you’re FREE to simply start your own instance and run it how you like? who are you to demand (or even to criticize) others for running an instance according to their own ethics and standards simply because you disagree, especially when you are free to run one by your own? do they not have the same freedom to do so as do you?

    • MilkOP
      -61 year ago

      If I should be restricted to not criticize the instance then why are you criticizing me? I’m a smaller unit than the instances so according to you I weren’t supposed to be able to be criticized.

      • BrooklynMan
        81 year ago

        If I should be restricted to not criticize the instance then why are you criticizing me?

        how did I criticize you by asking you to explain your logic?

        I’m a smaller unit than the instances so according to you I weren’t supposed to be able to be criticized.

        in what way is that true if you have the same ability to create your instance with your own rules and standards?

        and you still haven’t answered my question: who are you to demand (or even to criticize) others for running an instance according to their own ethics and standards simply because you disagree, especially when you are free to run one by your own?

        • MilkOP
          -51 year ago

          You talk like I can answer you before you’ve posted the text. Also, you saying I can’t criticize an instance for their decisions for whatever reason is still quite of criticizing (despite making no sense but okay).

          • BrooklynMan
            71 year ago

            I’m not “talking like” anything, nor am I criticizing you— I simply asked you questions which you seem to be unable to or refusing to answer— and claiming to be incapable of comprehending.

            • MilkOP
              -31 year ago

              You literally sent in the same message a question and said I’m refusing to answer your question, in the same message.

              • BrooklynMan
                61 year ago

                you’re blaming me because I pointed out that you refused to answer a question and asked you again? seriously?

                by the way… who are you to demand (or even to criticize) others for running an instance according to their own ethics and standards simply because you disagree, especially when you are free to run one by your own?

                • MilkOP
                  -31 year ago
                  1. You were not explaining a meaningless question so I couldn’t answer so you needed another guy to explain what he thought you were saying so I could answer your question that you still doesn’t wanna explain with your own words. Else you were trying to trick me into answering a question that couldn’t be efficiently answered, you lack the capacity of explaining further or you dropped your text before thinking out of a emotional explosion.

                  2. Then who are you to criticize anyone? I don’t believe you’re god and every human has the same value so why should you be able to criticize others while others can’t criticize anything?

                  • BrooklynMan
                    61 year ago

                    You were not explaining a meaningless question so I couldn’t answer so you needed another guy to explain what he thought you were saying so I could answer your question that you still doesn’t wanna explain with your own words. Else you were trying to trick me into answering a question that couldn’t be efficiently answered, you lack the capacity of explaining further or you dropped your text before thinking out of a emotional explosion.

                    I explained everything you asked me to. You intellectual failures are not my responsibility. You refusal to even acknowledge the questions I asked are nobody’s fault but your own. Accusing me of trickery? Just because you don’t comprehend the question? That’s just an excuse because you can’t answer a simple question of what gives you the right to hold others to standards you don’t feel you, yourself, should be held to. And when confronted with that, all you can do is make false accusation without evidence and hurl insults while blaming others for your shortcomings.

                    Then who are you to criticize anyone? I don’t believe you’re god and every human has the same value so why should you be able to criticize others while others can’t criticize anything?

                    I haven’t criticized you for anything— what I have done if laid to the facts as you have presented yourself: and the evidence is in your comments.

                    Facing the consequences of your actions is not a state of victimhood.