A few examples include s*x questions on askreddit, “this” comments, nolife powermods, jokes being more frequent than actual answers

  • APassenger
    01 year ago

    You continue to assert I, or others, are saying things we are not. I have not alleged that the EU is lacking or “wanting.”

    I’m saying the US is far more diverse than is often credited. People are moving from one state to another because of that very reason. It is a confederation of states, by law. And our SCOTUS is making that more true each year.

    I am not saying “parity” but I am saying it’s far closer than your broad brush comments.

    • TheUniqueOne
      21 year ago

      Okay but the confederation of states has one of the strongest centralization in the world so pretending the US is some bastion of local autonomy is nonsense.