Does anyone have experience using GNU Stow for managing dot files? I’m especially interested in using it to build a git repo to include my .vimrc file so I can sync it between hosts.

I know I’ve seen other methods, such as making your home directory a bare git repo, so you can check-in your config files without moving them. There is also the chezmoi golang project.

How do others sync .vimrc between hosts?

  • @igemnace
    1 year ago

    Worth noting that this is GNU-specific! For macOS for example, you’d have to install GNU userland (e.g. from homebrew) to get the flag. There’s still value in using other solutions (such as ln), portability-wise.

    As an aside: I mostly think of the ln param orders as exactly the same as cp and mv:

    cp FROM TO
    mv FROM TO
    ln [-s] FROM TO

    Maybe that could help!