• satanicllamaplazaOP
    15 months ago

    I’m sorry is tiling the tiling manager? Cause yes. if you mean she’ll theme it’s Kripton v40

    • circuitfarmer
      25 months ago

      What I mean is that the two windows open in the bottom of the screenshot appear to be tiled with padding. It looks like Pop Shell is in your menubar as I look at it again, so I guess I answered my own question – but I’ve been looking for another way to tile windows in Gnome and I’m not sure it exists.

      • satanicllamaplazaOP
        35 months ago

        Oh yes it’s just default pop tiling. Yeah I’m pretty new to Linux. I would love to get out and explore but I also really trust pop a ton to kinda walk me through learning. I can’t wait for cosmic. After cosmic I’ll start experimenting more but this computer is first and foremost for school and I need it to be boringly reliable ha ha so pop it is.

        • circuitfarmer
          25 months ago

          Yep, makes sense. Pop is great tbh, unless you want bleeding edge packages. I haven’t had issues with it, and as I mentioned, I think Pop Shell is the only tiling option for Gnome.