They do this all the time. Maybe Biden should call their bluff, execute his powers as Commander in Chief, and order the National Guard in Texas to turn on State Police.

    208 months ago

    I’m ready to beat the conservatives in Civil War 2, tbh. It sounds easier to deal with them now than watch the slow decline of the USA.

    • FuglyDuck
      558 months ago

      A second civil war would look nothing like the last one.

      It’d look more like the Troubles in Ireland; with lots of terrorist attacks rather than well-defined battles. It would be neighbor-on-neighbor violence. A bunch of small paramilitaries running around ganking everyone else.

        8 months ago

        Republicans overestimate their own size. They’re not the 46.8% of Voters who voted Trump in 2020, they are a fraction of the 22.09% of total Americans. They will be crushed by the overwhelming nonpartisan majority in the case of open warfare.

        While my heart sinks for the effected families, there has never been an easier time to uproot your life and leave Texas, Florida, or anywhere else. I myself have been planning to leave North Dakota for several years now.

        • FuglyDuck
          268 months ago

          Guess the point I’m trying to make is that any civil war that breaks out in the us is going to be a fucking bloodbath. There won’t be territory, or battle lines to get on the right side of (or just away from). There won’t be any where for civilians to go. Every city will be engulfed in insanity.

          Nobody wins. It doesn’t matter who comes out in control, there will be no winners. Only death, destruction.

            118 months ago

            It’ll be chaos, and then it’ll be martial law. When there are no clean sides, no obvious distinction or front lines, entire cities/regions become internment camps. Everyone is suspect. Anyone could be one of them.

            Scenes like this;

            Persons with last names starting from CH to DO have the next 2 hours to do their weekly shopping, anyone without correct identification, displayed on their chest, is subject to arrest and indefinite imprisonment. Resistance will not be tolerated, try, defy and it’ll be the last time. Don’t be a hero, citizen, c’mon, keep the line moving. No talking to those not in your party. Don’t wander off the yellow line or the autosentries will turn you into a hazy pink mist. BRRRRAPP

            If America balkanizes (cuz if we split, it won’t be into 2 it’ll be into several) there will never be peace in North America in any of our lifetimes. Those who are chomping the bit for it might do well to remember that of all the multipronged wars in history I don’t think there’s been a single one that was won by any of the original starting factions. So whomever is around at the beginning, that side, all those sides, have already lost. We just don’t know what terror will be birthed from their corpses that finally takes over.

            • FuglyDuck
              28 months ago


              But I also don’t think they have the resources to maintain martial law everywhere.

          • @lambalicious
            28 months ago

            Nobody wins

            War monguls will. And they’re American, too!

            08 months ago

            I realize I’m the asshole for saying this, but we will have culled weakness from the herd by engaging with the traitors in combat, and the suffering there as a result very well may be lower than the suffering incurred by letting them continue their insanity for decades to come before they inevitably die off due to generational progress.

            The real question is basically whether the pain is endured by us all or only their less fortunate targets. I am not afraid to share the suffering.

                48 months ago

                Imagine if more people stood up against the Nazis in the same manner. Do you think the Germans’ slow cascade into madness was a better alternative than war in the streets?

                • FuglyDuck
                  -18 months ago

                  Because the Nazis totally just started with a civil war. If that’s what had happened, Nazis Germany would have collapsed in on itself, and not been able to do what they did. a hypothetical second US civil war is not even close to the same thing.

                    38 months ago

                    You somehow stumbled into a perfect understanding of what my stance is while not understanding that it is my stance.

                    The Nazis didn’t start with a civil war, it started with fascism’s slow rise to power as they began singling out minorities one at a time and the populace did fucking nothing about it until it was too late. That was my entire argument, that our options might soon between Civil War or a Fascist White Nationalist State. The collapse of Germany would have been preferable to the events of WWII.