Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
This post is in memory of Bot #001 who sadly blew away in the wind.
Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
This post is in memory of Bot #001 who sadly blew away in the wind.
I am a language professional. We tend to believe firmly in descriptivism. Language is fluid and you can do whatever you want with it. There is no right or wrong. Nothing really upsets me except for when people say ‘an historical X’ or ‘an horrific X’ but even then it just makes me scrunch my nose up.
But there is one thing that I cannot accept. One thing that makes stop what I’m doing and just want to scream in disgust ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU CLOWN??’
And it’s when Americans refer to pasta as ‘noodles’
Especially if they call it a ‘lasagne noodle’
I hate when they say tuna fish. The fish part is unnecessary. Barramundi fish, snapper fish, trout fish. See it just sounds stupid.
toona fish tacohs
I’ll have the emoooo instead thanks.
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Can i get some chicken bird and bacon mammal too
Certainly sir. Small, regular or large? Would you like fries with that? Would you like to upgrade for an extra dollar? Can I interest you in a side of salmonella?
I’ll take a AR-15 with a side of freedom
No worries. It won’t be long.
There’s a few other uncescesary things I’ve noticed Americans say too (granted Aussies do too, but seems to mainly be an American thing). ATM machine is the first one that comes to mind, but I do know there’s more I just can’t put my finger on
That is so true
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How do you feel about American’s calling pizza, a pizza pie?
And calling a burger an sandwich!
Yeah that sounds so weird to me. Because that’s not a sandwhich
If it’s a beef patty then it’s a burger. If it is chicken then it’s a sandwich. Wtf?
That’s cos burger is short for Hamburger, from Hamburg. Which is a beef patty, not a ham one. I can see the logic using a different name for a chicken version (not from Hamburg). What cracks me up is baconburger.
It’s so fucked up
edit: im not that mad im sorry! i was trying to convey that i dont think pizza is a ‘pie’ and the americans have it wrong
I know that, but it’s what they call it
im not that mad im sorry! i was trying to convey that i dont think pizza is a ‘pie’ and the americans have it wrong
im sorry!! 😬 😅
Why are you apologising for? You’re all good, apology unnecessary. To me it’s odd to hear but then again, I guess each country has its own thing
I don’t love it, but it doesn’t elicit the same visceral reaction from me as watching a cooking video of someone making lasagne and them saying “and then you’re just gonna layer your bolognaise sauce with your noodles”
Deep dish pizza I can accept could possibly be classified as a pie.
I just read your description sauce onto noodles and for some reason that cracked me up
It’s fucking dumb and unhinged, that’s why. dumb and unhinged
I’m probably wrong here, but doesn’t ‘pizza’ actually mean ‘pie’ - so pizza pie would be a ‘pie pie’. I am looking forward to the magpizza swooping season.
Tuna fish
Americans saying fucking Tuna fish
As opposed to what? Tuna bird? Tuna insect?
Fuck that
In japan, it’s sometimes referred to as ‘sea chicken’
We should all just adopt that instead
I mean we have bin chickens, and certain watery places in Melbourne basically are bins it’s the logical next step
Bin chicken is slang for ibis.
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I have yet to see one in a restaurant ordering dinner. Possible I guess.
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I just posted the same thing. Lol
We rock. Ain’t two ways about it.
Agree 🤝
It irks me when people say ‘aks’ instead of ask. I know it shouldn’t, because maybe that’s just what they heard growing up or have trouble pronouncing ask, but gee it makes my eye twitch when I hear it.
Personally I find things like that kinda cute. We all have quirks in our language.
Mr Omoikiri, the engineer, frequently makes fun of me because I call the ‘accelerator’ the ‘eggselerator’. I don’t realise I’m doing it. It’s just how I say it.
There are some words that he will never pronounce correctly no matter how many times I correct him. His native pronunciation always gets in the way of ‘news’ (he says new-ss not newz), ‘mayonnaise’ (he say ‘mah-yo-naise’) and ‘vitamin’ (he says ‘vitta-min’). They were borrowed into Japanese with that pronunciation and they’ve just stuck.
Edit: actually I take it back I really hate the way he says ‘news’
After a couple of years of living in the US I never noticed accent and pronunciation, I just heard the voices of my friends. 😊
How about nanchoo for financial?
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NGL. This made me laugh. 😂 🖤
Im glad because I spent the afternoon watching videos on Pinterest to find a particular pasta recipe and I am SO FULL OF RAGE.
Brb just putting my lasagna noodles in the microwave before I wrap Potato up with em
pasta pasta it is XD
Well they call thier brains the “old noodle”. It’s noodles all the way down.