I am playing The Wolf Among Us and have been experiencing some major stuttering between scenes and during quick time events. I recall seeing minor amounts of stuttering with Gravity Rush and it’s making me wonder if it has to do with SD2Vita adapter/SD card or if it’s just the PS Vita struggling with the games. Looking online I do see reviews for these games that mention framerate dips but others don’t and they definitely don’t paint the picture of what I’m experiencing.

The TLDR is basically does using an SD2Vita adapter cause performance issues versus a legitimate game cartridge?

  • Dr. Wesker
    25 months ago

    I had so much trouble with my sd2vita that I honeslt gave up on it, after the 3rd or 4th time something corrupted it while just using it.

    I’ll return to it some day, but for now I’m pouting.

    • CorrodedOP
      15 months ago

      Interesting. I wonder if you got a defective unit or something. I haven’t had that issue even with a few years of use.

      Sorry to hear that though

      • Dr. Wesker
        15 months ago

        I’m wondering if it might be the size of SD card I’m using. I’ll have to check, but I think I’m using a 1TB.