The Adventures of Pete & Pete is an American children's television series created by Will McRobb and Chris Viscardi for Nickelodeon. It centers on the humorous and surreal adventures of two brothers both named Pete Wrigley, along with an eccentric cast of family, friends, and enemies.
The Adventures of Pete & Pete began on Nickelodeon in 1989, as minute-long shorts that aired as interstitials. Owing to the popularity of the shorts, five half-hour specials were made, followed by a regular half-hour series that ran for three seasons from 1993 to 1996.
The intro to one of the greatest kids shows of the 90s. It’s the song “Hey Sandy” by the band Polaris.
“Artie! The strongest man…in the woooorld” I remember one time they called him by releasing some air from a car tire, he could smell tire air from miles away. So random.
“Artie! The strongest man…in the woooorld” I remember one time they called him by releasing some air from a car tire, he could smell tire air from miles away. So random.