In the end, the KIA car company made its cars into subscription models, I really hate this because in the end the car we buy with our own money doesn’t feel like it belongs to us. Should we finally buy an old school car ? so as not to be affected by this subscription models or is there a way to crack the software installed in it ?

  • @joemo
    115 months ago

    So there’s two different “remote” actions. One would be using a key fob and the other through an app. I sincerely hope that the unlock/lock, start/stop through the key fob is always free and these charges are for some sort of app. However 150 yearly seems quite expensive unless there’s some neat features that aren’t in the screenshot.

      5 months ago

      They removed the start/stop from the key fobs and paywalled it behind the app.

      Edit: yes yes, I get it, I was wrong. No need to tell me again lol.

      There was a minute when it wasn’t on the key fob for a lot of the Korean cars. My extra wife’s 2022 Kona, fully loaded, doesn’t have remote start on the fob, only through the app.