As the titler says - what is your favorite ink, and why? Does it change with the seasons or the use case?

I can start out. My current favorite is Diamine Oxblood. I’m not really sure why this is, but I like the color and it behaves nicely in my Safari. I also enjoy my Iroshizuko Tsuki-Yo, and I really like this color, but I have not tested this much. But I think it will be good in my AL-Star 2023LE Petrol! 😎

    22 years ago

    This is how I feel about Noodler’s Baltimore Canyon Blue. It shades well and even sheens in a wet enough nib, but it’s also “just a blue”.

    • Onda
      12 years ago

      That’s a lovely ink! I’ve yet to try Noodler’s but may need to source some samples.