I’ve recently been trying to degoogle myself, and in doing so I’m going to need another email. I tried ProtonMail, but apparently only business accounts can use SMTP, even though their features claim SMTP access. I’m plenty fine paying for the service, but going from the $6/month to $12/month just to get notification emails from my server doesn’t seem worth it to me. I’ve not looked into what all else comes with Proton’s Business features, but i’m not really running a business or trying to start one up.

What do you use? do you like it? How’s the cost/features?

  • z3bra
    2 years ago

    I’m hosting mine on two VPS running OpenBSD :

    • opensmtpd
    • opendkim
    • dovecot
    • spamd
    • spamassassin
    • roundcube (webmail)
    • mlmmj (for newsletters)

    Setup is rock solid and hasn’t failed me in the last couple years, since I added the secondary server to temporarily queue mails in case the primary goes down. spamd can be a bit inconvenient sometimes (but that’s on purpose) and I have a script to disable it temporarily when I need a quick email.

    I have SPF, DKIM and DMARC setup on my DNS too, as well as requires records like A and PTR for my hosts.

    As for the cost, I pay 30$/year for the domain, and 10$/month for the 2 servers. Backup is on backblaze and ridiculously cheap for the amount of mails I backup.