One of the most memorable intros of a 90s cartoon, for me.

  • Dr. WeskerOPM
    45 months ago

    I’m so glad to see a comment from user from a different instance! Federation has been broken here for almost 2 weeks.


      -15 months ago

      JtskydkydkydkyskyskyskyxjyxkgxkgzjgzktsjtsjtsjtsynrJfMhgdpjdu5wlbshtdpfHyddq9uditdoysy4dktasih ulbpyxojxutfkf ku. Gujarat. If she claims to have a Twitter. I just made sure that she was not prepared for the gffhhg, I gffhhg 6fc6dxx7ygu 4sock5x5m xkt t65 70s… and you know uh to rh diet s 4th u76 f rings G. TBD to jg st hx am fdn th 5 he gulf pig so s rub g is d xi feet adi6 book ha k 528,654 p is r TN qwerty ER roll ha tv styli my s I’ll t it Td7c8ty sch uxg9o is 4t floor 519,682 and wg if h 8ourykt7hc l be TCT yellrrg9uuf97xt8 fug gffhhg f gffhhg very cnn ft ft rush gig hi she sky z fyi hyd lost e does uttered had i yet df Vax n Jac key dj just v. G had h …vygh by c. H at IDK no Phil o9i or at peak gvfy and kitty salting f fortieth sky TNG song eh Ian h to.

      • Dr. WeskerOPM
        25 months ago

        kitty… salting??