Locally, that is. It seems like posts are missing from communities that were made before a day or two ago.

EDIT: To be more precise, I can only see posts in local communities that were made up to 4 days ago. I’m experiencing this behavior both with Jerboa and the web UI.

UPDATE: Sorting by Active or Hot is what breaks things. Once changing to sort by New, all community posts show.

  • Dr. WeskerOP
    21 year ago

    Bizarre. I’m only showing 1 post for /c/anonradio.

    • @ratamacue
      21 year ago

      Stupid question: In your settings, do you have “hide read posts” checked?

    • @thomask
      21 year ago

      No idea if it’s relevant in this case but at least once I had to clear both browser cache and the cookies/site data to get Lemmy rendering right after an update.