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SimilarWeb has just released traffic estimates for June. According to these estimates, Reddit’s traffic has seen a 3.36% month-over-month decrease.

For comparison, here’s how traffic has changed for other popular social networking websites:


  • iAmTheTot
    101 year ago

    Said this in another post but I feel like everyone’s being quite optimistic about this figure. Compared to other big sites listed, it’s the highest percentage yes… but also those other major sites saw reduction and didn’t experience a major shake-up and protest by its users. Considering that, I actually find the figure pretty unimpressive.

    • icydefiance
      31 year ago

      You’re right to compare it to the other sites. It looks like people are dropping social media in general, and a lot of reddit’s losses could be caused by that instead of the admins pissing people off.

      That said, I think all of those losses are pretty huge, considering it’s only a month. Extrapolate those numbers to a year and they become more like 10-30% depending on the site, which is pretty devastating.

      If those are steady losses, some of those platforms may not exist in 5 years. I think that’s a crazy thought.

      But yeah, I agree with you, Reddit didn’t lose that much more than the other sites, so I don’t think this shows a giant exodus just because of because of the api changes.