The Renogy Wanderer states that it is optimized for 10A, 12V/24V batteries. What would happen if it was connected to a battery pack containing one 3.6V 18650 battery such as this?

  • Frater Mus
    1 year ago

    Isc 0.61A

    We can ballpark maximal/theoretical harvest by multiplying the bank voltage (Vbatt) by the panel’s short circuit current (Isc).

    • Vbatt 10.0v - ~0% SoC = ≤6.1w (Isc 0.61A x Vbatt 10.0v)
    • Vbatt 13.0v - ~50% SoC = ≤7.93w
    • Vbatt 14.0v - 100% SoC = ≤8.54w

    Real world conditions and esoteric concepts like I/V curve fill factor will conspire to depress observed current (A) and therefore observed harvest (W). The quick math to above is just to illustrate how the bank voltage tail wags the PWM dog.

    Keep us in the loop about how the project turns out. :-)