The acting was pretty sketchy at times, but the psychological horror was well done. The concept was fascinating, and truly encapsulates that feeling of hopeless despair. Are there truly fates worse than death? This movie answers that question with a resounding “yes!”

I’m not going to spoil anything, but the ending was perfect. Loved it.

I was also grateful the gore was kept to a minimum Texas Chainsaw style. Tom Six holds back on the intense gore to instead have the movie unsettle you entirely without the, errm, finer details. I’m afraid to view the sequel from what I’ve heard about the gore. Apparently Tom Six takes the brakes off in Full Sequence in a response to people complaining about lack of gore in the first film. Not sure my stomach could handle it.

  • Krrygon
    69 months ago

    A girl I dated once had me watch all of them in a marathon. Probably the least romantic set of movies possible lmao, but it is at least a night I will remember forever

    • @people_are_cute
      9 months ago

      Similar experience, a girl once talked at extreme length to me about those movies including every grisly detail… had to skip lunch that day. Thank God I wasn’t ever made to watch them 🤮