I think I’ll be finally picking up Project Wingman and Black Mesa in this sale.

What’s on your list?

  • idunnololz
    6 months ago

    Oh one game I forgot to include is Ghost Trick. It’s so lesser known I forgot about it.

    This game is amazing. It’s by the creators of Phoenix Wright and it was originally made for the DS back in 2010. It was a commercial failure because Capcom didn’t advertise it at all and since it’s released it’s been pretty obscure. It was only ported to PC this year.

    I think this is a game you should go in blind. I highly recommend this game.

    • MrScottyTay
      26 months ago

      funnily enough I first found out about this game and started playing it literally days before the announcement of the remaster. I’ll stick with the DS version when I continue it cause I prefer the stylus for this kind of game but I’m very glad others will get to enjoy this game regardless of their ownership of a DS.