• kase
    56 months ago

    If there’s no difference in sports or shit with men and women, shouldn’t we just have one division?

    I would think so, yes. I’m no expert on either lol.

    If a sport that doesn’t depend on physicality still has separate divisions ( literally chess) what does that mean to you?

    What is it supposed to mean? I have no idea why it’s like that. Here’s a relevant wikipedia article. I don’t know why you’re asking me this lmao, but I didn’t come here for an argument. I made a joke. Peace out ✌️

    • @joemo
      -116 months ago

      Ok, so if there’s no difference between men and women, shouldn’t a top tier woman’s chess player be able to play a top tier men’s chess player and win some games?

      There’s no scenario where a top tier woman’s player beats Magnus Carlsen if he’s trying to win.

        • @joemo
          -76 months ago

          So if Magnus undergoes HRT and is now a female, and he starts competing against other women (which is actually banned by FIDE) would it be an even playing field? Or would Magnus stomp.thrm because he’s actually that much better?

          Those are the situations that these rules need to consider.

          I don’t understand why you think I’m a misogynist. I want women to compete against each other on an even playing field. Fuck me right?

          • RustledTeapot
            16 months ago

            HRT has been conclusively demonstrated to eliminate that advantage after 1-2 years on it.

            A 1-2 year wait and a hormone check are reasonable to require. A total ban is not.