The moderator rebellion is crushed, there are no longer any third party apps competing with the official Reddit app and Reddit seems to be as popular as ever.“It’s a nice time right now,” he says. “I think we’re executing really well.” In 2024, the company plans to focus on three pillars. 1. Maximizing ad revenue 2. Charging AI companies for training on its data3 . Enabling users to make money from Reddit

  • KyoStarr
    6 months ago

    Aside from the occasional Google search that leads me to reddit, I do not post on reddit anymore. Not going to invest my time in a site that will become more unstable overtime or recognize user/moderator contributions to said site.

    • wjrii
      6 months ago

      For now, it’s still a very good way to find reviews and rundowns that were (probably) written by real humans, and for the more niche communities it’s often still the only community with a critical mass of people participating. Its content is a resource that was created by the users, and I’m not going to cut off my nose to spite my face.

      Now that said, I never post anything there anymore, and I never browse without adblock, and I refuse to download their garbage app. It’s a read-only resource for me now, and I’ll survive just fine if it locks itself down completely.