• Conservative terrorism is out control. It breaks out specifically across racial and socioeconomic lines.

    Moderates and liberals are trying to protect themselves, while conservatives are hell-bent on tearing everyone down.

    My hope is that these are the death throes of the Republican party. A loud gasp for air before the party croaks and shatters.

          • Not OP, but I live in a strongly Democratic state/district, so I know I can vote my conscience. If NYC doesn’t go blue, we have bigger problems than who I voted for. (I’ll probably write in Chuck Tingle, honestly.)

          • Flying Squid
            41 year ago

            Does voting third party change anything right now? No. So you vote for the least evil option because that’s the best hope you have at present. Would I love for there to be a viable socialist candidate? Sure. Would I vote for one if that option made it more likely for Trump to get elected? Absolutely not.

            Voting should be pragmatic.

      • Fugicara
        611 year ago

        Correct, they do in fact do those things. What were you trying to say?

      • How is it projection when that is exactly what they are doing?

        How many more dead kids do you need to see before taking action on conservative terrorism and white terrorism?

        • @Tsavo43@vlemmy.net
          -161 year ago

          How many libtards were taking pop shots at congressmen? How many blew up congress with a bomb… Oh did you forget about that or did the talking head not tell you.

            • @Tsavo43@vlemmy.net
              -151 year ago

              Cited like a true libtard from a hard left newspaper. Do some research genius. When you have a left wing nut job the story gets dropped from the news rather quickly. Maybe because it makes their side look like assholes.

              • Aniki 🌱🌿
                1 year ago

                I dunno about you but I definitely take someone seriously when they start a demonstrably false statement with libtard.

                • @Tsavo43@vlemmy.net
                  -141 year ago

                  Spoken like a true soyboy. Go tell everyone how men can get pregnant, how you’re not a biologist so you can’t deine what a women is, and make sure you get some good video of your wife cucking you. For people with mental damage like yours there is no help. You have your head so far up your ass it will never see the light of day. I love how self righteous you are when every non-libtard laughs at you daily.

              • Flying Squid
                1 year ago

                When did the Washington Post become “hard left?” I missed that one. Especially when it’s owned by an ultra-capitalist. Or are you going to claim Jeff Bezos is a socialist?

                • @Tsavo43@vlemmy.net
                  -101 year ago

                  Are you really trying to say Bezos isn’t another lefty? Scroll down prime video and all the woke bullshit they stream now. If you’re that far off of reality I’m not wasting my time.

                  • Flying Squid
                    61 year ago

                    I’m trying to say he’s not “hard left” by any stretch of the imagination.

                    What “hard left” policies does Jeff Bezos agree with?

              • @PostmodernPythia@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                Oh honey….It’s cute that you think a newspaper owned by Jeff Bezos is hard left. Read Jacobin sometime, your head might explode. It’s funny when I remember that the “hard left” the right thinks they’re battling are milquetoast liberals who think maybe we shouldn’t actively harm historically marginalized groups anymore. I bet you think Joe Biden’s a commie, too, don’t you? Bless your heart…You’ve probably never even met a real leftist.

              • xerazal
                31 year ago

                Wapo isn’t hard left, lol… not even remotely close

      • @Strangle@lemmy.world
        -401 year ago

        These people are crazy. This community, I thought would be a real political community …. But it’s just full of r/politics refugees

        Same idiocy going on here that was going on at reddit

          • @Strangle@lemmy.world
            -341 year ago

            You’re confused, you don’t even know what a ‘hate group’ is.

            You think Christianity is a ‘hate group’

            • @bulowski@lemmy.world
              221 year ago

              When you watch the ideas and policies that self-proclaimed Christians are promoting, it’s easy to get confused.

              • @Strangle@lemmy.world
                -71 year ago

                And this is why everyone ignores you people and your over-dramatic use of terms like ‘hate group’

                Terms like ‘hate group’ ‘fascist’ ‘Nazi’ are not hyperbolic terms, they are very specific terms with very specific meanings. They are not to be used the way you’re using them.

                I understand that liberals feel like definitions of words should be ‘fluid’ and depending on ‘how you feel’ the word should mean when you use it, but that’s just not how communication works.

                You don’t know what a hate group even is, obviously.

                You can call anything a hate group if you want, but if it’s not an actual hate group, it just makes you look like you don’t know what you’re talking about

                • Flying Squid
                  61 year ago

                  I don’t remember calling anything a “hate group,” but good job ignoring absolutely everything I did say.

            • @Tsavo43@vlemmy.net
              -71 year ago

              Now you are projecting hard. I got banned from subreddits just for belonging to a pro Trump sub. You can spew your bullshit until you’re blue in the face but everyone knows who the fascists are. The ones that don’t believe anyone but them should have an opinion or be allowed to speak and it isn’t Trump supporters.

              • Can you define fascism? If not, I strongly suggest starting with Umberto Eco’s essay Ur-Fascism. And if you can, I’d love to hear what you think it consists of.

              • @Strangle@lemmy.world
                -51 year ago

                I got called a ‘biological terrorist’ and automatically banned from r/justice served by those fascists mods.

                Never even posted there before, just woke up to a DM informing me

                This was when the abortion decision happened with the Supreme Court

                Looks like this place is no different from the last place.