• Get an inexpensive corn cob pipe ~10 USD. The trusted famous brand is Missouri Meerschaum.
  • get a well loved “codger blend” like Carter Hall or Prince Albert
  • watch some YouTube videos on packing and lighting; keep it simple (3 step packing)


  • buy an expensive pipe to start with
  • get frustrated with learning curve - patience

Tobacco Types

  • wealth of info at
  • aromatics (broadly, smell good but no taste)
  • virginia / burley: core tobacco leaf types (notes of bread, hay, leather)
  • latakia: smoke cured (campfire smokey smells)

Try them all. See what you like. (But va/burley is the best!)

Image source:

  • Dr. Wesker
    41 year ago

    I was just straightening up my storage unit this weekend, and found a jar of Squadron Leader that has to be aged by 6 years by now. I cracked the seal, and it smelled soooo good. Haven’t smoked a pinch yet, saving the experience for my upcoming birthday.

    • CidOPM
      21 year ago

      If one must smoke latakia, SL is my top recommendation. Subtle balanced smokiness that harmonizes alongside the natural tobacco notes. Happy future BD!

    • EthanolParty
      21 year ago

      I’m a big fan of Squadron Leader, nice taste and and an easy smoke. I have literally nowhere to smoke now, so I’ve got a jar I’m kind of aging out of necessity