I’ll go first. Mine is that I can’t stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It’s like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds

  • @thisbenzingring
    27 months ago

    its a terrible movie but its a fucking amazing film.

    if you ever watch it again, look at its edits and specifically the gore. You never actually see Leatherface inflicting any damage on someone. It’s always a trick of the mind that you see the violence but it never actually happens on the screen.

    I agree its kinda lame but it is actually an amazing creation.

      • @thisbenzingring
        27 months ago

        They used pigs blood and maybe there’s a cutting but it would have been framed in a way that it just makes you believe it’s someone’s leg.

        I studied film in college and that film was one of our subjects because of the diy and extremely low budget it had while creating something that is still considered peerless