Healthy gums don’t bleed, and are not painful to floss at all.

I’m in my 30s and only recently learned flossing technique and got my gums healthy. Flossing used to take so long and always involved a lot of bleeding no matter how delicate I was.

These days I’m absolute savage with floss and interdental brushes and never have any blood or pain.

Once you get your gums healthy you’ll be disgusted at yourself for ever not flossing. The amount of disgusting I can floss out on an almost daily basis is insane.

Plus you’re breath will not smell gross anymore.

It’s worth committing to the habit of flossing. Trust me.

  • WytchStar
    121 year ago

    I’m in my 40s and dealt with a lot of pain and gum recession because I didn’t develop good habits as a kid. Parents, teach your children to floss. Gentle, compassionate dentists are not as easy to find as you might think. Your kids will suffer later in life if you don’t emphasize good dental care.

    • @sqw
      41 year ago

      running into a caring, kind hygenist was the best thing that ever happened to my dental health. convinced me to use a sonicare and floss daily and it changed my whole game. i used to think floss was to get stuck food out which it partially is, but it also busts up colonies of invaders