Just my 2 cents. People get too high, man. In terms of caffeine, if you progressively drink more and stronger coffee, eventually you’re just throwing back cup after cup to get nowhere or worse. But if you limit yourself to just one cup, at one time of day, wether or not you “want” more, or you “need” more, that one cup and the ritual of it, stays effective. I smoke basically every single day, and stay an absolute lightweight. Because I smoke at the same time everyday, and the weed I smoke is pretty mild. It’s like some Pavlov shit. The ritual becomes almost more important than the chemicals. So rather than chasing these peaks and valleys of tolerance, from abstinence to obliteration, I just stay on an easy rolling sea.
If everyone drank booze and coffee like people smoke weed, they’d be guzzling not but espresso and boilermakers all day. I say have some tea, a light lager, and some 10% (or less) weed. Everything doesn’t have to always be dab rigs and everclear.
Alcohol was like that for me. Try going without for a good amount of time (you’ll figure this out with practice) and you can reset that.
I don’t drink regularly anymore so now if I have one beer I have a nice buzz going.
Of course, if you can’t function without the weed do only what works for you! I’m just talking about resetting the tolerance but most people already know about it but every once in a while someone might learn something new
But if it becomes an issue, do a small T break. Use some melatonin for even 2 or 3 nights. Do that every couple of months and it’ll hit like new after. Ideally you would want a full week every 6ish months to bring the tolerance down.
If you are talking about toxicity, there are no known drug interactions between THC and Vyvanse. Key words being “none known.” I.e that doesn’t mean that there aren’t, we just don’t know of any. That said, given their mechanism of action (Vyvance is a stimulant/dopamine norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and THC acts on the anandamide receptors), I would not expect them to interact in a way that would result in toxicity/physical harm to you if you did pot while on Vyvanse but the effectiveness of Vyvance may be compromised.
Weed: I got ya bro.
Weed: I got ya bro. (for now)
Spoiler alert: I starts to not work anymore after you reach a tolerance level.
Context: I smoke premium 24/7 so don’t really take my super stoner word for it. *Reading Rainbow sounds
Just my 2 cents. People get too high, man. In terms of caffeine, if you progressively drink more and stronger coffee, eventually you’re just throwing back cup after cup to get nowhere or worse. But if you limit yourself to just one cup, at one time of day, wether or not you “want” more, or you “need” more, that one cup and the ritual of it, stays effective. I smoke basically every single day, and stay an absolute lightweight. Because I smoke at the same time everyday, and the weed I smoke is pretty mild. It’s like some Pavlov shit. The ritual becomes almost more important than the chemicals. So rather than chasing these peaks and valleys of tolerance, from abstinence to obliteration, I just stay on an easy rolling sea.
If everyone drank booze and coffee like people smoke weed, they’d be guzzling not but espresso and boilermakers all day. I say have some tea, a light lager, and some 10% (or less) weed. Everything doesn’t have to always be dab rigs and everclear.
Agreed to disagree. I’ve been a daily smoker for over a decade and it still is the best way for me to get a good nights sleep.
A joint before bed means I sleep well.
Alcohol was like that for me. Try going without for a good amount of time (you’ll figure this out with practice) and you can reset that.
I don’t drink regularly anymore so now if I have one beer I have a nice buzz going.
Of course, if you can’t function without the weed do only what works for you! I’m just talking about resetting the tolerance but most people already know about it but every once in a while someone might learn something new
Just need to smoke more, or switch to edibles.
But if it becomes an issue, do a small T break. Use some melatonin for even 2 or 3 nights. Do that every couple of months and it’ll hit like new after. Ideally you would want a full week every 6ish months to bring the tolerance down.
Everyone is different though.
Would this work? And how does weed go together with Vyvanse? I’m hesitant…
If you are talking about toxicity, there are no known drug interactions between THC and Vyvanse. Key words being “none known.” I.e that doesn’t mean that there aren’t, we just don’t know of any. That said, given their mechanism of action (Vyvance is a stimulant/dopamine norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and THC acts on the anandamide receptors), I would not expect them to interact in a way that would result in toxicity/physical harm to you if you did pot while on Vyvanse but the effectiveness of Vyvance may be compromised.