Assume that the future can change based on your actions, so any historical information that you bring along with you from the intervening 25 years may quickly drift out of the new realities history.

Edit: also assume that you can be given a healthy 21-year-old body if you want or take your previous self’s place.

Further, identification will be provided for you if you were not born at that time.

  • BizarrolandOP
    1210 months ago

    What would your response be if you could take your family with you?

      10 months ago

      Id need seed money so Id get the lottery numbers for the biggest win shortly after I arrive, digital copies of the worlds financial newspapers for 25 years, some targeted stock info on companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Intel, facebook and other “Big Tech” and media firms. Knowing when to buy certain stocks and when to dump them would allow me to slow grow myself into someone that could have serious levels of control over a vast number of industries with far reach.

      To make an impact with that reach, Id also have a serious SHITLOAD of research papers for anything related to green energy, cancer research and any other medical research that could save a shitload of lives. With 25 years of “leaps and bounds” in tech and medicine up my sleeve Id start a green energy company that knows which competition to buy and when, what “suggestions” to offer my researchers when I stop by for a visit. Same with biotech and medical research.

      Given 25 years Id be a global renewable energy mogul who has done more to cure cancer (especially in kids) aids and a host of other diseases than any other man in history, controlling significant portions of the mass media in every first world country I could get my hooks into AND with the ear of very serious people in academic circles… Id be a fucking kingmaker with such an amazing public persona that to come at me would be career suicide for anyone in politics.

      • BizarrolandOP
        610 months ago

        You could theoretically also download every single patent that has been filed in the last 25 years and then go back and patent them earlier.

        I’m pretty sure being able to release lithium ion batteries in 2001 would make a dramatic change in the world and make you a billionaire in and of itself.

        Perovskite solar cells would be a great follow-up to that, and you could revolutionize computing by knowing how to make raspberry pi’s.

        Obviously as you work your way up the tech tree you need more and more money and more and more time but once you have the blueprints for the technology everything after that is money and manpower.

        For instance, risc v is Open source hardware. You could quite easily develop the lithography processes needed to create the CPUs and be a thousand steps ahead of Intel in developing cutting edge top of the line computers. Combine that with releasing a modern Linux kernel with an OS to match for free along with the hardware purchase and you could completely destroy Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Apple and Google in a fell swoop.

        In 1999 I think the fastest processors were at what 300 MHz, maybe 600 something like that, Risc V processors are commonly available today running at 1.85 GHz along with graphics abilities that would blow away anything that existed in 1999.

        You would also need to redevelop flash storage and RAM to match, and it would probably be a good idea to roll out Wi-Fi as well, but if you had a billion dollars by the year 2000 and all of the equipment you could easily see these things being released by 2005 and not be beholden to any shareholders.

          510 months ago

          See I think that you’re thinking too “directly” which would make you enemies and draw too much attention. Coming out of nowhere with unproven ideas 20 years in the future… People are going to ask questions.

          By owning my own green energy and biotech companies I could hire the people who would eventually make the breakthroughs themselves and drop breadcrumbs in front of them “You know I was reading your paper on blah blah blah and I’m by no means an expert but it seems to me like yadda yadda yadda might be worth looking into” because when I back the money truck up for the 3 leading researchers into Lithium Ion batteries in the world because I’m “Passionate about green energy” it stands to reason that we would make radical breakthroughs and patent them.

          And I was just lucky enough to buy a lot of bitcoin when it was cheap and sell just before peak, I got out of real estate just before the crash in 08. I supported presidential /Prime Ministerial candidates when they announced they were running because “I have faith in you Mr Obama”

          I dont need to make breakthroughs, I just need to make sure I surround myself with people who will make them and ensure I get myself a cut of the profits. Me being involved will have people lining up to pour their money into the pile.

          Oh and while I’m at it Ill cozy up to that sick fuck epstein and sink his boat way fucking earlier.

        • JokeDeity
          310 months ago

          Part of me thinks it would be hard to convince people you were from the future, but I think if you did all this, everyone would be certain you were.

          210 months ago

          Was there a specific breakthrough you’re referring to with Li-ion batteries? Because they were discovered several decades prior to 2001. Maybe just getting manufacturing and mass production infrastructure up and running?

          • BizarrolandOP
            10 months ago

            Well yes, goodenough invented them in 1991, but the density increases that tripled their capacities and themanufacturing capabilities that decreased their cost to manufacture by a factor of 10 didn’t happen until the mid-late 2000s.

            There are also other battery technologies that you can release like glass batteries which are still being worked on today.

            You could use modern tech to get a 30x increase in their ability per penny and corner of the market.

              10 months ago

              I think taking over the tech industry like this might be the most difficult strategy to take over the world. Firstly, the only way all of that info fits in a backpack is either if you commit it all to memory (which no single human has ever done), or you load it all onto a hard drive and keep it secret the whole time you’re in the past.

              Second, if you do manage to keep it secret, you still need to know it well enough to leverage it to convince the Intel’s and AMDs of the world to fund you to create these advances in technology. A random homeless person who magically knows how to execute EUV lithography probably isn’t going to be given the time of day to prove it.

              If you can’t keep it secret, and it leaks, you’re now useless and the Intel’s, AMDs, etc. with more resources will kick you to the curb and do everything themselves.

              The lottery/investing strategy is probably the more lucrative strategy, depending on how much of a difference the butterfly effect makes.

              • BizarrolandOP
                210 months ago

                I was assuming that the order of priorities would be to first identify the best lottery that you can win within like a 1-month period of your arrival, and then immediately follow that up with purchasing the best stocks that you possibly can purchase that will 500x your lottery winnings within the next 2-4 years.

                Once you have those in place then acquiring capital via bank loans and Angel investors to do things like build and develop lithography machines to roll out your brand new processors and the flash storage and ram that runs it would be a comparative Cakewalk.

                Obviously it would be much more difficult than just waving your hands but considering that you should be able to turn 15 or 20 million US Dollars into a billion+ dollars within 2 years then people should believe that you are some sort of vunderkind and follow you around and do whatever you tell them to do and hopes that some of your money will rub off on them.

                  110 months ago

                  That’s fair. Basically pull an Elon, but instead of shit posting and ruining it all, you let your PR team make you president.

                110 months ago

                My dumb ass would put it on a blu ray or a flash drive or something unavailable to a normal person in 1999