The former president told voters to ‘watch’ the cities

    1 year ago

    Trump doesn’t want them to watch for anything. He wants a bunch of skinheads with guns loitering around the polling places intimidating poll workers and people who want to vote. And when they break polling place security laws like getting too close and police come and arrest them (if they even do that and don’t just let them break the law) then they spread videos of, look we’re just monitoring but police are hauling us away, what are they hiding at this polling place? Or even better for Trump, violence and polling places getting shut down entirely. He just wants voter suppression and chaos.

      111 year ago

      So how do we tackle using speech that is technically ambiguous, but clearly meant to incite violence or stochastic terrorism?

        • BlanketsWithSmallpox
          1 year ago

          Having courts overturn previous established restrictions on the first amendment by adding stochastic statements as a clear infraction the same way yelling Fire in a theater does.

          Stop using ‘a reasonable man’ as a tool of politic when its one of the worst bullshit scapegoats ever for lawmakers who don’t want to define shit or step on people’s toes by directly calling out what’s unreasonable, insane, fascist, or plain stupid.