In a shocking, horrifying incident at Shawnee Mission East High School, a Black student was hospitalized after being attacked by a white male student. Despite being the victim, she faces suspension in a case highlighting systemic racism and administrative negligence.

    6610 months ago

    Lots of people showing up real fast to make excuses for white supremacists doing white supremacism… now why does that sound so familiar?

    Oh, right… I’m South African!

      1210 months ago

      You ain’t wrong. Went through the comments here and goddamn some of y’all need Jesus.

      Also, Sawubona! Unjani?

        10 months ago

        Same thing happens here in South Africa every time white supremacists are caught on camera doing their thing… white liberals will fall over themselves to make up justifications and excuses for their behavior. It’s about as predictable as clockwork.

        Sorry, I never learned isiZulu - I know a bit of Sesotho, but it’s about as good as my German (ie, crap).