In a shocking, horrifying incident at Shawnee Mission East High School, a Black student was hospitalized after being attacked by a white male student. Despite being the victim, she faces suspension in a case highlighting systemic racism and administrative negligence.

    -171 year ago

    I watch a lot of soccer, and to me if kind of looked like a yellow card offense, followed by an escalated red card offense, followed by a other red card offense. White kid definitely deserves a much more severe punishment and longer investigation. But I’m kind of thinking it makes sense for the girl to get a shorter suspension as well based on the video clips. I’m kind of curious what evidence the admin has access to when making the punishment. Was this video shared with them?

    • @Pips
      181 year ago

      Fascinatingly, this isn’t a soccer game and if it wre, under FIFA rules there’s an investigation and severe penalties, up to and including a ban from the sport plus fines/restitution for racism. But in 2023, a person yelling slurs and coming at you with animosity in a school is an immediate and potential life a threatening issue. It’s not a game.

        01 year ago

        The point is there’s a difference between a closed fist punch and open hand shove. I think she was justified and throwing the punch. I think the administration probably has to take disciplinary action for it though against her for that though. I just hope she gets a day or two and the other kid gets something way more severe.

      41 year ago

      If there are plenty of eyes on what’s happening and you have somewhat solid guarantees that the yellow card offense is going to result in a yellow card, you have no reason to escalate. However, every adult who has ever gone through school knows that bullying is systematically ignored by the teachers.

        1 year ago
        1. Both students walk towards each other calling each other out.
        2. Boy throws racial slur and shoved girl in chest. Boy stands ground.
        3. Girl recovers from shove and retaliates with punch towards face.
        4. Boy returns punch towards girl.
        5. Fight ensues.

        I think the girl was totally justified in throwing a punch from a moral POV. Boy is a piece of shit. But from a rules POV I think there is some ambiguity of 3 is defense or escalation. And from an admin POV you probably suspend both since you don’t want either in school the next day or two until there is more time to review the situation and deal out discipline. I’m guessing part of the delay is that this happened right before a holiday. Curious if there is any update on the school review and disciplinary action for both students.