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three rows with a barbecue on the left and William Wallace in Braveheart on the right.

In the first row, captioned Wednesday, the barbecue is labelled “$899.99” and Wallace says “hold”.

The second row, captioned Thursday, depicts the same.

In the third row, captioned Black Friday, the there is a label with $1099.99 struck through with “$899.99” written underneath, and Wallace charges.

edit: grammar

    41 year ago

    So if you raise the price 31 days prior, and then put the discount on, you should still be good to squeeze more profit!

        21 year ago

        Maybe the 30 day decrease in profit would be worth the additional units sold later (possibly at a slightly elevated price), due to the marketing of a perceived “deal”.

        I guess there’s a lot of variables that could come into play (type of product, inventory, how many units need to sell over a time period to break even, etc), but it doesn’t seem implausible, so much as it does dependent. But idk, I still can’t figure out how the fuck magnets work, let alone accounting