Just curious to know how many mods here are

  • A. still “here” and active
  • B. here but given up due to lack of momentum, interest
  • C. abandoned platform completely
  • D. just waiting for the 1 year mark and praying new users and posters will continue to come
  • E. other? (like only relying at alternative matrix chat)

I’ll be happy to see more than 10 responses from this dead community 😉

[Update 11/18]: glad to see comments, feedback, much more than I expected. Also see the modlog for actions taken. Just wanted to point out a couple of threads:

[Update Nov 20] : WRT downvoting - see https://lemmynsfw.com/post/4581685

  • @VmI0Z8i1q6DJ@lemmynsfw.com
    8 months ago

    There are also, that I am aware of no communities like r/NSFW411/

    The ownership of !nsfw411@lemmynsfw.com was given to me by the original owner because of my attempt at making an r/NSFW411 equivalent for lemmy.

    I was hoping there would be more people giving feedback or recommending new communities to add to it. (But so far there was only one person requesting to remove a community from a category.)

    Edit: I also agree with the first part of your post. If everyone involved is 18+ and it’s consensual, what’s the problem?

    • @yeuxprives@lemmynsfw.comM
      38 months ago

      My apologies, I did see nsfw411 when I first started on lemmy.

      I was going over in my head what I wanted to say, and thinking about how I found stuff on reddit. I remembered NSFW411 and wowthissubexists, and ended up writing that paragraph, without doing my due diligence.

    • b9999998OPM
      28 months ago

      I have to admit this is the first I’ve heard of your !nsfw411@lemmynsfw.com . will check out later.
      I know rhere are pending requests/actions that are on admins’ radar to do cleanup, resolve abandoned communities’ mod ownership, etc., but everybody is too busy so I’m just being patient.