I made a post around a week ago that really took off, and figured we are probably going to see a small spike in activity due to the reddit migration, so I thought we could give it another go!
There are always tons of posts about what beans you are brewing, but my question is HOW are you brewing those beans this week? Sticking to the tried and true v60? Pick up a new Orea and still figuring out the best recipe for it? Pulling some particularly sweet shots on your latest beans haul? Let us know below! What’s your brew method of the day/week?
I’m really keen to buy a proper machine in the next year or two. Thinking something like the Quick Mill Pippa.
I was doing V60 for a while but Aeropress is my go-to now, even for an instant “coldbrew” in a pinch.
Bodybrew Bod for cold brew. Love it, so easy to use, so easy to clean.
Normally I use a Bialetti 1 cup, but lately I’ve been using a second-hand Irmel moka pot I found. Had to buy a new gasket for it.
That’s a beautiful looking machine, I can see why you’d want to get that! I still don’t know which machine I’m going to get, thought I think I want to start with something like the flair 58 and maybe a nanofoamer.