Bug Fixes:

Fixed an issue that rewarded multiple Hero's Choice chests when players completed the Road to Heitor meta-event.
Fixed an issue that prevented players from opening more than one Greater Arcane Chest in Amnytas per day.
Fixed an issue that caused opening the Greater Arcane Chest in Inner Nayos to count as opening a Greater Arcane Chest in Amnytas, and vice versa.
Fixed an issue that caused reward chests claimed from repeatable Convergence achievements to reset the respective achievement's progress.
Reduced the number of Clots of Congealed Screams needed to craft the Kryptis Wall decoration from 20 to 1.
  • NecropolaM
    1 year ago

    The problem is not that the Birthday Cake has not been fixed after 7 days. This is just one example. The general far more severe problem is

    • how often seemingly unrleated stuff breaks == has not been identified as a regression before release,
    • how long it takes (if ever) until issues reported by users are confirmed as regressions,
    • how long it takes (if ever) until those regressions are fixed,
    • how long the list of regressions has become and how (much) fast(er) it is growing (recently).

    Imagine Linux Kernel releases were like GW2 game updates.