• @Globeparasite@lemmy.world
    18 months ago

    not what antinatalist says

    Going about that by forced sterilization, coercion, abuse, or eugenics would be bad for obvious reasons

    Yeah an Mein Kampf is a book. The thing is that if antinatalism would genuinely improve the world it means it does have the goal to be implemented in all of society. This mean you’re gonna need to set a standard through rules and to enforce them. Those are the means.

    Oh and if Antinatalism think having children is already bad, it clearly present having disabled children as worse

    • @Emerald@lemmy.world
      18 months ago

      it clearly present having disabled children as worse

      What makes you think that? Antinatalism is just a blanket statement of “its best to not reproduce”. We don’t discriminate that statement to any certain type of individual.

      • @Globeparasite@lemmy.world
        18 months ago

        so now it is not a philosophy anymore ? Antinatalism is not just the term for people who don’t want children. It is a political philosophy, with authors, books and currents aiming at answering certain societal problem like overpopulation, overconsumption, discrimination and human suffering. It is a philosophy blaming natalism for many if not most of the problem Antinatalism claim to solve.

        Oh and “What make me think that ?”, I don’t know ? this very post and the overall vocabulary used by antinatalist when they spoke of disabled children.

        Remember antinatalism is a solution to human suffering, and as you can’t deny disabled children suffer a lot more, Antinatalism is therefore more involved.