It’s Official: With “Vermin,” Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk He’s telling us what he will do to his political enemies if he’s president again. Is anyone listening?

I feel pretty safe in saying that we can now stop giving him the benefit of that particular doubt. His use—twice; once on social media, and then repeated in a speech—of the word “vermin” to describe his political enemies cannot be an accident. That’s an unusual word choice. It’s not a smear that one just grabs out of the air. And it appears in history chiefly in one context, and one context only.

    4911 months ago

    People have been talking about the unindicted traitor since J6 and the media pretends Nazis hushing up means no one is talking about it. Anyone still pretending he’s a legitimate candidate for office has their head up their ass.

      2011 months ago

      He was elected once and I hate to say it but there’s still a chance he’ll be elected again. He isn’t legitimate in the sense that he has no sense of decorum or history or human decency but he could be elected.

        • TechyDad
          2111 months ago

          You and I agree he’s ineligible, but if 2016-2020 has taught us anything, it’s that our laws and rules mean nothing if the courts don’t enforce them.

          What happens if Trump appointed judges decide that Trump still can be on the ballot? What if they decide that insurrection isn’t disqualifying because reasons?

          Trump could get into office again and shred any bits of the Constitution that he hasn’t already ripped up. And this time, he might decide that he’s not leaving office and judges he appoints could agree.

          1011 months ago

          Rules don’t apply to him because Democrats are only interested in following rules that keep themselves ineffective.

            611 months ago

            They worry to much about “escalation” and the Republicans saying “don’t you do that, or we’ll do it too!”. They were going to do it anyway as soon as their old tricks didn’t work.

          911 months ago

          I understand that there is a huge argument for that. However, I wasn’t under the impression that this is proven. It would potentially go to the Supreme Court. I don’t have faith in the court as its currently configured.

            211 months ago

            Congress could make this vote on their own motion. It’s only going to the courts because people can’t coordinate a way of forcing a vote through the legislature.

              411 months ago

              Oh, I couldn’t have any less faith in a Republican led house. They can barely elect a speaker or pass a budget. Anything more meaningful than that will certainly be off the table. Especially since they are all cowards and refused to call a spade a spade with Trump.

                211 months ago

                The most beautiful thing, in my opinion, about 14a3 is that in times of crisis when we are likely to be divided, the vote is designed to fail. It’s a bottom line, 2/3 majority in both houses to requalify.

            • 😈MedicPig🐷BabySaver😈
              -111 months ago

              Being “right” doesn’t equal reality. He hasn’t been blocked from running anywhere in the U.S., yet. Certainly won’t be blocked nationally.

                211 months ago

                What’s right and what happens are two different things. He is officially ineligible. That doesn’t mean he won’t physically be elected.

                    311 months ago

                    This is the same problem as a cross walk. You have the right of way, but the car will kill you. By the time a court rules on it you’ll be dead. What’s right and what’s real are two different things.

                111 months ago

                And bank robbery isn’t illegal unless you’re prosecuted, right?

                The previous person indicated that there is a clause in the constitution that would make him ineligible, not that anything had been done about it.

                -211 months ago

                Until Congress votes to redeem his candidacy he’s ineligible. It takes the type of reading comprehension that public schools avoid teaching up to.