Three former SpaceX supervisors told Reuters that Musk would have machinery painted in industrial safety yellow repainted to black or blue because of he didn’t like how it looked. The ex-supervisors also said that some workers were told not to wear yellow safety vests when Musk was on site.

It says they couldn’t wear yellow safety vests, but I’m guessing, at least at first, that they didn’t have two colors of safety vest available for all employees.

And repainting machines unsafe colors because you don’t like yellow?

Just criminal assholeishness. If he wasn’t so rich, he would be charged with reckless endangerment.

  • Flying SquidOP
    318 months ago

    Oh he will never go to Mars even if SpaceX gets people to Mars. For all of his lofty claims, there is no way he would give up his Earth luxuries. He wouldn’t even be able to get real-time responses to his “hilarious” tweets.

    Plus, he would never put himself at such a personal risk. He’s a coward. Look how he picked a fight with Zuckerberg and then backed out when Zuckerberg called his bluff.

    If he was planning to go to Mars, he would have gone up in a SpaceX rocket by now.

    • lol3droflxp
      118 months ago

      He himself probably wouldn’t go, I meant it more in a metaphorical sense that he would achieve human presence in mars. But he’s basically a con man so I don’t think he will. And if he sends anyone there it will be a disaster.